Cost Control with Work Advance Management

Work advances allow staff to be paid in advance for business expenses, making the process organized and transparent.

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Work advance is a practice that enables employees to receive advance payment for business-oriented expenses such as customer meetings or company events. The work advance request is initiated by the employee and, upon approval by the manager, is evaluated by the finance department and a payment order is issued. This system then facilitates the recording and matching of expenses with the expense management application, making cost tracking more efficient. With work advance management, companies can control employees' work-oriented expenses in advance and transparently.


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Efficient and Transparent Work Advance Management

Manage prepayment processes for business expenses in an efficient, organized and transparent way.

Easy Cost Matching

Ensures accurate tracking and matching of work advance expenses.

Efficient Approval Processes

Request, approval and payment processes are managed in a fast and organized manner.

Secure Payment for Business Purposes

It enables employees to spend their business expenses in a secure manner.

Cost Control

Companies manage their budgets more effectively by better tracking their work advance processes.

Improved Workflows

It enables workflows to be organized and optimized according to specific steps.

User Friendly Interface

It offers a user-friendly interface where employees and managers can easily perform transactions.

Audit and Traceability

Ensures that all advance requests and approval processes are monitored and audited.

Timely Payment

Approved advances are processed quickly and payment instructions are issued.

Predetermined Authorization

It is ensured that only authorized persons can approve advances and issue payment orders.


Flexible Work Advance Features

User-friendly features that streamline business advance applications, approval processes and expense matching.

Work Advance Application

Allows employees to easily request advances for business expenses.

Approval Flow Management

It involves the approval and issuance of the requested advance by managers and finance units.

Advanced Reporting

Supports reporting and tracking of advances received and expenditures made.

Expense Integration

Allows work advances to be easily mapped to the expense management application.

Detailed Leave Management

Provides detailed permission settings for authorized users to manage operations.

Automatic Reminders

It provides reminders and notifications that keep users informed at every stage of the process.

Şirket Politikalarına Uyum

Supports the execution of the advance management process in accordance with internal policies and rules.

Process Feedback

Provides feedback to employees and managers on the status of the process during approval and payment processes.

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Mobile compatibility (Responsive Design)
API Integration
Available with portal app
Calendar synchronization (Outlook...)
Cloud Based
Comment and discussion sections
Email and notification integration
Multi-language support
Multi-platform support (Web, Mobile, Tablet)
Powered by AI
Push notifications (Mobile)
Real-time reports
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
User and Role-Based Authorization
User-friendly Interface
Workflow automation and reminders